Tuesday, 26 March 2013


juicy and sweet, with a soft, buttery yet somewhat grainy texture, the white to cream-colored flesh of pears was once referred to as the "gift of the Gods". 

Pear is a very delicious fruit that is quite closely related to apples and quinces. The skin of the fruit can be yellow, green, brown or red in color, or even a combination of two or more of these colors.

Carb Counts for Pears

Pears are moderately high in sugar, and don't contain as many nutrients as other fruits. However, they do have a fairly high amount of fiber.

Health Benefits of Pears

Pears promote cardiovascular and colon health.The pear's fibre does a lot more than just help prevent constipation and ensure regularity.In fact fibre has been shown in anumber of studies to lower high cholesterol levels,which is good news to people at risk for atherosclerosis or the diabetic heart disease.

Pears are A Sweet, Low-cal Alternative

A medium sized pear (weighing about 166 grams) contains only 100 calories even though Levulose, the sweetest of known natural sugars, is found to a greater extent in fresh pears than any other fruit.

Pears are a Natural Energy Source

Fresh pears are a natural, quick source of energy due largely to high amounts of two monosacharides (fructose and glucose) and carbohydrates.

Nutritional Value of Pear

Vitamin Content

Pear has abundant levels of vitamin c and vitamin k. It is an excellent source of vitamin c and vitamin k. Pears is a very good source of vitamin e. 

Nutrition Facts and Information about Pear

Pear is an excellent source of copper, manganese and potassium. They are a good source of iron, magnesium and selenium. It also contains traces of calcium, phosphorous and zinc.

Pears Are The Pick Of The Season

With the prevalence of obesity and weight issues a major health concern, people are encouraged to eat healthier meals. Low-carb and other restricted diets don't give the balance of fiber, vitamins and minerals found in food plans that encourage healthy fruits and vegetables.

Basic Nutritional Facts

Pears contain about 16 percent carbohydrate and negligible amounts of fat and protein. They are good sources of the B-complex vitamins and also contain vitamin C; in addition, they contain small amounts of phosphorus and iodine. 

Apples are proportionally very high in fructose. Fructose is incredibly sweet, even sweeter than sucrose, but has the added benefit that it is metabolized considerably slower, therefore controlling blood sugar levels. Pears offer the same and contain slightly more calories. Both apples and pears contain plenty of vitamin C and fiber.

Healthy Living - Healthy Eating

Pears are often purchased before they are fully ripe, but the consumer can finish the ripening process by putting green, firm Bartlett pears in a bowl kept at room temperature. There, they will slowly ripen and color to perfection. 

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