Saturday, 8 June 2013

Home Remedies for Sun Tanned Skin

Home Remedies for Sun Tanned Skin
During summer, most of the people complain about sun tanned skin. The Ultra Violet rays from the sun increases the production of melanin in the body which results in sun tanned skin. So, the main reason behind this problem is exposure of skin to harmful sun rays for hours. Well, after getting a sun tan, it is not that easy to bring your skin back in normal state but with patience and care it can be done.

Instead of spending money on expensive cosmetic products, you can try some natural treatments to get rid of your sun tanned skin. There are many simple and easy to follow natural treatments that can lighten the sun tan and help you to enjoy a lighter complexion.

Here are top 10 remedies for Sun Tanned Skin.


The best remedy for sun tanned skin is the use of raw potato. Take two to three medium sized potatoes and after peeling the skin make a paste of the potatoes with the help of a blender. Apply the liquid paste generously all over the affected skin area. Allow it to dry for around half an hour and then clean the skin with plain cold water. For better result you can add some lemon juice to the potato paste before using it.

Gram Flour

Gram flour is very useful in treating sun tan. You can use the gram flour powder available in market or make a paste of whole green gram. Mix the gram flour in water and run it all over the affected skin area. Wait for twenty minutes before washing your skin with normal water. For better result, you can use rose water instead of plain water. You will notice your skin complexion has got better and there is a natural glow in your skin. You can also mix some lime juice and yogurt to the paste. You must follow this remedy twice a week for a few months.


Yogurt, one of the most easily available products in the home can also be used on the sun tanned skin. Yogurt is very effective in reducing sun tan as it can cool the skin as well as reduce any redness and tighten the skin pores. You can take some fresh yogurt and apply it on your skin daily before taking a bath. For better results add tomato juice and lime juice in yogurt. This is one of the best remedy for getting rid of sun tanned skin.


Raw milk or milk cream can also be used for treating sun tanned skin. Take small amount of raw milk in a bowl and add a pinch of turmeric and some lemon juice to it. Apply this solution on the sun tan affected areas and allow it to dry properly. Finally wash it with water. This will give you an instant relief from sun tan. Else you can soak a pinch of saffron in fresh milk cream overnight. Next morning mix it properly and apply it on the affected skin areas. This will lighten the skin complexion and will make your skin glow.

Lemon Juice

Lemon is great for curing sun tanned skin due to its natural bleach properties. You can simply apply some fresh lemon juice on the affected skin area and allow it to dry before washing the area with water. Else you can add some sugar to lemon juice and apply it on the skin. Sugar is an excellent cleansing agent and thus it is also a great ingredient to treat sun tanned skin. Follow this remedy twice or thrice a week to get fast result.


Cucumber juice also helps a lot in reducing sun tan. Cucumber has got cooling effect that can soothe the skin and help in curing suntan. Also the Vitamin C present in cucumber will help in keeping the skin well moisturized. Take two tablespoon of fresh cucumber juice and add one tablespoon of lime juice and a pinch of turmeric to it. Mix well and apply on the affected skin. Leave for half an hour and finally wash the skin with normal water. Else you can rub freshly cut slices of cucumber on your skin.

Aloe Vera

You can also use Aloe Vera gel for treating sun tanned skin. Aloe Vera gel will lighten the skin within a week, if applied daily to the affected area. It also helps to cleanse and nourish the skin. Take some fresh aloe vera gel and apply on the affected skin parts before going to bed. In the morning wash the skin properly and apply some sunscreen lotion before going out in the sun.


Sandalwood is a very common ingredient used in many beauty products. It can also be used in the treatment for removing sun tan. Take some sandalwood powder and mix it with pure turmeric powder in equal amounts. Add some rose water to make a thick paste. Apply the paste on the affected skin areas and leave for half an hour or till it is dry and then wash it properly using cold water. Follow this remedy twice a week to enjoy good results. Else you can mix sandalwood powder with coconut oil and almond oil to make a paste to apply on the affected areas.


Take five to six almonds and soak then in water overnight. In the morning make a paste of the almonds using milk with the help of a blender. Apply this paste on the affected skin areas and leave it overnight. In the morning wash with cold water. It will cleanse, scrub and lighten the skin tone and soon you can enjoy better skin complexion. Follow this remedy daily for the first fifteen days and then repeat it twice a week.

Oatmeal Powder

For treating sun tanned skin you can prepare a mixture of oatmeal powder and buttermilk. Take this mixture and run it on to the tanned areas. While the oats will help in exfoliating the skin, butter milk will soothe the skin. Else you can make a paste with oatmeal powder, grounded almonds, grounded dried orange peel and milk. Apply the paste on the affected skin area for half an hour and then wash it off with cold water. You can see the difference in the skin complexion within a few days.

10 skin care tips

1- nahanay se pehlay aik lemoo nahanay walay pani mein نچوڑیں. aapko mehangay prfume istemaal karne ki zaroorat nahi rehigi 2- taaza dood...