Causes of White or Grey Hair
One the major cause of premature graying is continuous stress. It slowly causes the graying even after the stress is temporarily relieved. Anger, Fear, Jealousy, anxiety also cause slow premature graying.
Another main cause of Hair grey is absence of vitamin B.
Hair loss may also occur due to autoimmune disease called Vitiligo. It is a condition in which skin and hair loss their natural color.
Malnutrition is the major cause of premature graying. During malnutrition body doesn’t get enough nutrients and it becomes thinner and lighter. Due to malnutrition body stops producing Melanin hormone, which results in premature grey hair.
Werner syndrome also causes premature graying. Werner syndrome is premature ageing so it causes premature graying as well.
Premature grey hair can be generic as well. If parents suffered from premature graying then the child is likely to suffer too.
Premature circulation can also be caused by the slow blood circulation to the the head.
Starving for a long time is harmful for the body includes hairs. Premature graying can occur slowly if the person starves for too long.
Air pollution comes directly in contact with head than any other part of the body.
Using hair dryer more than often also causes premature graying. Hair dyer makes root of hairs weak, which results in permanent hair breakage.
Safety Measures and Treatments for White or Grey Hair
No one wants grey hairs even an old person at the age of 100 wouldn’t like having grey hair. Premature grey hairs give a bad impression of personality and should be controlled. The best and ultimate way of avoiding premature graying is by staying happy as much as possible. Don’t let stress and anxiety come on top of you and try to tackle things with a calm head. Eat fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin B to match the deficiency of PABA (vitamin C) in the body. Eating healthy also helps to avoid the premature graying.
If you are suffering from premature grey hair then use Melancor. This table is available in Pakistan and helps to overcome the premature grey hair. There are many oils available in the market as well that claim to stop the premature graying. People suffering from premature graying should not opt for shortcut methods to hide premature graying like by dying hairs. They should focus on permanent methods to stop premature grey hair.