Who doesn’t dream of flaunting a clean, shiny nose? But, with all the ugly blackheads sitting on your nose, looking flawless can be a distant dream. A visit to the parlour can send you home writhing in pain, with your beautician poking hard to clear them out. Is there no easy way to get rid of them? Relax! There are many simpler and painless ways to remove blackheads on nose, which can be tried at home.
Read on to learn about nose blackhead removal methods, along with causes and prevention tips.
What Causes Blackheads On Acne?
Blackheads, in simple terms, are everyday bumps formed due to the clogging of the facial hair follicles.
The name blackheads are simply derived from their characteristic and physicality which makes these bumps appear black from the tip.
Here are some of the main causes of blackheads:
Production of excess sebum, which gets accumulated in the skin pores
Invasion of P. Acnes bacteria on your skin
Dead cells that don’t shed properly can irritate the hair follicles
Hormonal Changes, which can stimulate the oil glands
Drugs like Androgens, Lithium
Temporary Ways To Get Rid Of Blackheads At Home:
Read on to learn about nose blackhead removal methods, along with causes and prevention tips.
What Causes Blackheads On Acne?
Blackheads, in simple terms, are everyday bumps formed due to the clogging of the facial hair follicles.
The name blackheads are simply derived from their characteristic and physicality which makes these bumps appear black from the tip.
Here are some of the main causes of blackheads:
Production of excess sebum, which gets accumulated in the skin pores
Invasion of P. Acnes bacteria on your skin
Dead cells that don’t shed properly can irritate the hair follicles
Hormonal Changes, which can stimulate the oil glands
Drugs like Androgens, Lithium
Temporary Ways To Get Rid Of Blackheads At Home:
Before we look into the permanent methods to get rid of blackheads, let us look into some of the popular ways for blackhead removal at home:
Blackhead removal strips
Blackhead removal tools
Deep cleansing Charcoal masks
How To Remove Blackheads Permanently From Nose At Home?
Here in this article, we come with natural methods which are available easily in the kitchen or else market for removing blackheads on the nose permanently without any side effects.
Egg Whites For Removing Blackheads On Nose:
Often people swear by this method saying that the natural egg whites are one of the best when it comes to blackhead cure. One can pull out the blackhead dirt by merely using egg whites. The trick is to soften or moisten the tip, and then at times with a bonus, the blackheads come off on their own. Here’s how to remove blackheads from nose instantly with egg whites.
Egg White – 1
Time To Prepare – 15 mins (including application process)
Preparation Method:
For this, all you need is an egg and skills to separate the egg yolk from the egg white.
Gather the egg whites in a small bowl and whisk them gently
How to Apply?
Start by clearing out the skin pores thoroughly.
Once your skin is fresh and oil-free, apply a thin layer of the egg white. Once, this layer is dried off, apply a second time and let it dry.
By this time, you will need a strong pull of your facial skin.
Focusing on and around the nose area, reapply it for the third time and wait for it to dry.
Once it is dry, you can wash off the face with lukewarm water.
How Often Should I Do This? Once every 15 days
Precautions: This can severely dry out your skin. Be sure to apply a moisturiser later
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